
when travelling

At DZ BANK, security is also a top priority for business travel. Our travel security management supports you in all security issues before, during and after a business trip. This includes, among other things, the provision of a country database, personal advice prior to travel and a 24/7 emergency hotline). This means that DZ BANK travellers are prepared for all eventualities.

DZ BANK's duty of care for its employees applies not only in its own buildings or when they work from home. Safety is also a top priority during business travel.. In the DZ BANK, this is the responsibility of Travel Risk Management . The Travel Risk Management’s key remit is to provide information and support when travelling abroad. The basis is a country database (Travel Risk Map) with worldwide risk assessments of the destination countries. Information on the following risk categories can be obtained from the country database:

  • political and legal risks, for example the threat of terrorism or corruption
  • socio-cultural risks, such as religious inequality or dealing with homosexuality
  • ecological risks, for example earthquake or tsunami hazards
  • infrastructural risks, with a focus on medical care
  • general security risks, for example a high crime rate or risk of kidnapping
  • technical risks, for example if information security is not guaranteed in the destination country

Before their trip, employees receive valuable information on the local situation in the country database. The access data for this can be found in the business travel portal, on the Corporate Security intranet site and on your personal emergency card.

When booking a business trip to a country with the risk level “medium” or higher, business travellers receive a so-called "Pre Trip Advisory". This contains safety-relevant information about the destination country and the trip, as well as advice on how to act on site. When booking a business trip to a country with the risk level “high”, travellers are also given personal and individual advice, for example on the choice of hotel or personal protection.

During their trip, DZ BANK employees benefit from the expertise of an established global security service provider. This includes, for example, a smartphone assistance app and a 24/7 emergency hotline. In the event of an emergency, potentially life-saving measures such as the provision of local contacts, the recommendation of doctors and hospitals, the procurement of replacement documents and means of payment and even evacuation are possible. This means that DZ BANK travellers are prepared for all eventualities.

At a voluntary post-trip debriefing, travellers share their experiences with the Travel Risk Management. New findings are then flow back into the process, thereby constantly improving it.