
Non-Financial Risks

Learn more about DZ BANK's security concept, about certain Non-Financial Risks - and how to deal with them properly. From building access and travel security to modifications to operational processes and structures. Help us now to identify and minimise risks and learn more about security in the interactive training course "Security, Outsourcing and AT8.2 in the DZ BANK AG"!

An ordinary day at DZ BANK. Whether in the office, at home or on the road - we all start our work, complete our activities and call it a day. But there are also risks in everyday work. Some affect us all, even if we are not always aware of them. These risks are summarised under the term "Non-Financial Risks", or "NFR" for short.

In our case, it involves building access regulations, workplace security, maintaining business processes through BCM, risk management for third-party arrangements and significant modifications to processes, systems and structures, and travel security. In order to identify and minimise relevant risks in this area, DZ BANK has central guidelines in place.

We need your support in the implementation, because only together can we ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements and counter the risks.

On the following pages, you can read more about selected Non-Financial Risks in the DZ BANK - and how you can collect points by answering the mini-games and quiz questions.

We wish you much fun and success!